The Great Matuku Muster delivers sobering results
Efforts to track the elusive matuku-hūrepo (Australasian bittern) in West Auckland via The Great Matuku Muster 2024 have highlighted the urgent need for conservation action. Organised by local conservation group, Matuku Link, and volunteers from Ark in the Park, Birds New Zealand, Friends of Whatipu and Auckland Council rangers, the survey covered 14 sites across Te Henga and Whatipu wetlands. Volunteers recorded the distinctive booming calls of male bittern across three nights in September, October and November.
The results, however, were sobering. According to Matuku Link founding trustee, John Sumich, only a few booming males were detected. “The low numbers reflect the challenges this important species face,” says John. “It’s a stark reminder of how vulnerable they are and how much work is needed to ensure their survival.”
Matuku-hūrepo depend on functioning wetland ecosystems, says John. “As visual hunters, they need clear water to find food like fish and eels. Sadly, though, they’ve lost 90% of their habitat and the rest is degraded or under threat from development, predators and environmental changes. “As a result, matuku have resorted to searching for food in wet areas like roadside gutters and drains, and since their defence mechanism is a freeze pose, they often become victims of passing cars. “These birds are taonga and while the survey numbers were disappointing, they highlight the urgent need to ramp up restoration efforts,” says John.
“Alongside our ongoing work to revive and replant wetland areas, we're expanding wetland habitats this year, with funding from DOC, by removing invasive species like willows and enhancing pest control measures. These actions benefit not only the matuku but all native species in the area."
Nationwide results from the muster are expected to be released by the Department of Conservation later this year providing further insight into the state of this iconic wetland species.
How you can help matuku-hūrepo
● Get involved in wetland restoration projects that aim to restore and protect matuku-hūrepo habitats.
● Plant native vegetation like rāupo and reeds (juncus species), and create buffer zones around edges of ponds, wetlands and streams to restore their natural habitat.
● Control pests by setting rat and stoat traps in your area and keep your cat indoors.
● Record and report booms on The Conservation Hub app or via the website